“Don’t look down. Look up.”
In four weeks, on November 12th, you’ll be able to do just that. The High Road will be releasing on Amazon, Nook, iBooks, and… well, everywhere.
The High Road may have seemed more like a long road, to set that release. If you’ve been following this blog you’ll have noticed I’ve been putting it off for some time.
Part of that’s due to sending it through revision after revision. Scenes have been torn down, repurposed into whole other uses or just reshuffled, every time I thought I was done. The opening has gone from a glimpse of madness to a more wistful glimpse to a direct look at the action; the first major fight in the park got rewritten almost as soon as it was done, and so did the action in the alley, the hospital, the Long Night, the second park confrontation, the grand finale—
—Wow, I actually never worked it out before but I think every true fight or action scene got a whole new direction during one revision or another. Except one scene; let’s just say there’s one battle that could never have been sent to the junkyard or changed even a little. You’ll know that one when you come to it.
The other reason is that between revisions, I’ve been poring over the second book of the series. The wait after The High Road to get to Freefall should be much, much less, once you’re ready to follow more of Mark and Angie’s journey.
In the meantime, here’s a small hint from one of the characters, essentially the last thing he wrote. I don’t think it’s every urban fantasy that includes someone giving a warning like this:
Click to listen…
Don’t trust the words—you have to see deeper to claim what you are.
Don’t turn your back on the greedy—they’ll never stop wanting what they see.
Don’t look down—look up, when the wind howls or the road is blocked.
Don’t forget your friends—but anything I leave you, they can still take for themselves.
But don’t trust yourself—your instincts are the first thing you can lose.
And don’t trust me, for writing this warning. But, I wish I could let you see it.
Just which “words” are those, and what is it that friends could take? On November 12th, you can see for yourself.
Just keep an eye out for the owl. If you can.
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